Thursday, July 8, 2010

Octopus the Great

GERMANY: Paul, the psychic octopus, has maintained his amazing run of World Cup predictions with Spain's 1-0 win over Germany in the semi-final.

The octopus at the Sea Life Aquarium in Oberhausen had earlier predicted that Spain will win the do-or-die clash by picking mussels in a tank with a Spanish flag, and ignoring the German one.

The eight-limbed oracle has picked the correct outcome in six matches, The Sun reports.

British-born Paul's owners said that he also predicted nearly 70 per cent of the Germany team's results in the 2008 European Championship.

Paul became an international celebrity after correctly predicting Germany would beat Australia in their opening match, then lose to Serbia, then beat Ghana.

He also correctly forecast German wins against England and Argentina.

想到这只sotong就好笑!请原谅我的孤陋寡闻。话说回来,前天surgery SDL的时候在图书馆念书,然后就听到PS 跟OG在讲什么有只octopus很厉害啦,什么Germany, Argentina, maradona之类的,然后我又只听尾没听头,就以为他们在讲着某某国家足球队长/员其中有一个人的绰号叫作Octopus。。。


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