Sunday, August 9, 2009


Bored of continuously studying, I'm now playing CANON IN D MAJOR, one of my favourite music..
Guess what? I don't even have piano/keyboard, how could I do that?

Wow, couple days ago, Simon introduced me a website where I can play piano by pressing the keyboard accordingly..

I found out this was just fun n interesting eventhough I know it's not that real..

In the mid of my bath-taking, my brother gave me a phone call and told me that Ah Hui has developed flu-like symptoms, it's highly suspected due to H1N1, daddy immediately sent her into Malacca Pantai Hospital n got admitted.. Online searching for The Star news, about H1N1, it's already 18 case of fatalities in our country, n my hometown is right one of the high risk spot..Quickly review to the history of victims, I found out most of them are either immunocompromised or extreme age group of people. Meaning to say, it's very hard to lead a completely healthy (which means adolescent free of any underlying disease) person to death..Deep inside my heart, i wish she can recover well very soon..

Emm, take care everyone..
~Health is wealth~


  1. give me the website~~ I want to play too~~

